Name: Dong Bang Shin Ki
Other Known forms of Names: DBSK and DBSG (Used in Korea), THSK (Used in Japan), TVXQ and TVfXQ (Used in China and Internationally)
Name in Hanja: 東方神起
Pronunciation: Doong-bong-shin-ki
Debut: TVXQ debuted on December 26th, 2003 at Britney Spears and BoA’s showcase concert. They performed ‘Holy Night’, and their debut song
Members: 영웅재중 Young Woong JaeJoong | 유노윤호 U-Know Yunho | 믹키유천 Micky Yoochun | 시아준수 Xiah Junsu | 최강창민 ChoiKang Changmin
Company: (SM 엔터테인먼트) SM Entertainment
Official Fanclub: Cassiopeia
Official Balloon Color: Pearl Red
Official Korean Websites: TVXQ Official Website
Official Foreign Websites: THSK Official Japanese Website
İsim : 동방신기 Dong Bang Shin Ki
Bilinen diğer isimleri : DBSK ve DBSG (Kore ‘de kullanılıyor), THSK ( Japonya ‘da kullanılıyor), TVXQ ve TVfXQ (Çin ve Uluslar Arası kullanılıyor)
Hanja isim : 東方神起
Telaffuz : Doong-bang-sin-ki
Sahneye çıkış : TVXQ ilkkez 26 Aralık 2003 ‘te Britney Spears and BoA’s showcase konserde sahneye çıkmıştır. Onlar ‘Holy Night’ ı söylediler ve onların ilk sahneye çıkış şarkıları
Üyeleri : 영웅재중 Young Woong & Hero JaeJoong | 유노윤호 U-Know Yunho | 믹키유천 Micky Yoochun | 시아준수 Xiah Junsu | 최강창민 ChoiKang & Max Changmin
Şirket : (SM 엔터테인먼트) SM Entertainment
Official Fanclub : Cassiopeia
Official Balon rengi : Parlak Kırmızı
Name: Jung Yunho (정윤호)
Stage Name: U-Know
Position: Leader
Birthday: February 6th, 1986
Height: 1,84 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Blood Type: A
Birth Family: Mom, Dad, & One Younger Sister
Hobbies: Dancing & Writing
Education: Myongji University
Vocal Position: Bass
Close Friends: Sugar & Heechul (Super Junior)
* Before debuting under TVXQ, he was a backup dancer for Dana’s 2002 single, “Diamond”. He was also featured in the music video.
* Composed and sang “Spokesman” with Donghae of Super Junior, which was performed in the 2nd Live Asia tour concert – ‘O’.
* Sang Japanese solo “Crazy Life”, which was featured in the “Close to you / Crazy Life” single, the fourth installment of the group’s “TRICK” series.
* Wrote the rap lyrics for “Wrong Number”,one of the tracks in their fourth korean album “MIROTIC” with Hero.
* Wrote the rap lyrics for “Love after Love”, one of the tracks in their second korean album “Rising Sun” together with Micky and Xiah.
* Wrote the rap lyrics for “Love Bye Love”, one of the tracks in their fourth korean abum “MIROTIC” with Xiah.
İsim : Jung Yunho (정윤호)
Sahne İsmi : U-Know
Pozisyon : Lider
Doğumgünü : 6 Şubat 1986
Boy : 1,84 cm
Kilo : 66 kg
Kan Grubu : A
Ailesi : Anne, Baba, Küçük Kız Kardeş
Hobileri : Dans etmek & Söz ve Hikaye Yazmak
Öğrenim : Myongji University
Pozisyonu : Rap
Yakın Arkadaşları : Sugar & Heechul (Super Junior)
Pozisyon : Lider
Doğumgünü : 6 Şubat 1986
Boy : 1,84 cm
Kilo : 66 kg
Kan Grubu : A
Ailesi : Anne, Baba, Küçük Kız Kardeş
Hobileri : Dans etmek & Söz ve Hikaye Yazmak
Öğrenim : Myongji University
Pozisyonu : Rap
Yakın Arkadaşları : Sugar & Heechul (Super Junior)
- 13 Yaşında SM Entertainment tarafından düzenlenen dans yarışmasını kazanarak SM Entertainmen ile çalışmaya başlamıştır.
- TVXQ ile sahneye çıkmadan önce, Dana’nın 2002′deki Single’ı “Diamond” da arka dansçı ve rapçiydi. Klibinde de oynadı.
- Spokes Man’i yazdı ve Super Junior Donghae ile 2nd Live Asia Tour Concert -O- da sahne aldı.
- “TRICK” serisinin dördüncü kısmı olan “Close to you / Crazy Life” singleında “Crazy Life” Japonca solosunu seslendirdi.
- Dördüncü Kore Albümü “MIROTIC” albümündeki “Wrong Number” şarkısının rap kısmının sözlerini yazdı JaeJoong ile.
- İkinci Kore Albümü “Rising Sun” albümündeki “Love after Love” şarkısının rap kısımlarını yazdı YuChun ve JunSu ile.
- Dördüncü Kore Albümü “MIROTIC” albümündeki “Love Bye Love” şrkısının rap kısmını yazdı JunSu ile.
Name: Shim Changmin (심창민)
Stage Name: Choi Kang, Max
Birthday: February 18th, 1988
Height: 186cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood Type: B
Birth Family: Mom, Dad, & Two Younger Sisters
Hobbies: Gaming & Eating
Education: Kyunghee University
Vocal Position: High
Close Friends: Mainly High School Friends
* Wrote the lyrics for “Evergreen” in SM Town 2007 album.
* Sang Japanese solo “Wild Soul”, which was featured in the “Two hearts / WILD SOUL” single, the first installment of the group’s “TRICK” series.
* Wrote the Korean lyrics for “Love in the Ice”.
İsim : Shim Changmin (심창민)
Sahne İsmi : Max
Doğum Günü : 18 Şubat 1988
Boy : 1,86 cm
Kilo : 61kg
Kan Grubu : B
Ailesi : Anne, Baba, İki Küçük Kız Kardeş
Hobileri : Oyun oynamak & Yemek yemek
Öğrenimi : Kyunghee University
Vokal Pozisyonu : Yüksek
Yakın Arkadaşları : Başlıca Lise Arkadaşları
Sahne İsmi : Max
Doğum Günü : 18 Şubat 1988
Boy : 1,86 cm
Kilo : 61kg
Kan Grubu : B
Ailesi : Anne, Baba, İki Küçük Kız Kardeş
Hobileri : Oyun oynamak & Yemek yemek
Öğrenimi : Kyunghee University
Vokal Pozisyonu : Yüksek
Yakın Arkadaşları : Başlıca Lise Arkadaşları
- SM Town 2007 albumündeki “Evergreen” şarkısının sözlerini yazdı.
- “TRICK” serisinin Birinci kısmı olan “Two hearts / WILD SOUL” singleında “Wild Soul” Japonca solosunu seslendirdi.
- “Love in the Ice” ın Korece sözlerini yazdı.
Name: Kim Jaejoong (김재중)
Stage Name: Hero
Birthday: January 26th, 1986
Height: 1,80cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood Type: O
Birth Family: Mom, Dad, & Younger Sister
Adoptive Family: Mom, Dad, & 8 Sisters
Hobbies: Cooking & Weight Training
Education: Graduated from high school, but no information as to university.
Vocal Position: Lead
Close Friends: Kim Hyun Joong (SS501)
* Sang “Greeting” (인사) which was featured on the A Millionaire’s First Love soundtrack.
* Collaborated with The Grace for “Just for One Day”, which was featured in The Grace’s first Japanese full-length studio album, Graceful 4.
* Composed “Kissしたまま、さよなら” with Yuchun.
* Sang Japanese solo “MAZE”, which was featured in the “Keyword / Maze” single, the fifth and last installment of the group’s “TRICK” series.
* Sang Korean solo “잊혀진계절 (Forgotten Season)”, a remake of the original song by Lee Yong, which was a famous hit in the 1980s. His solo is included in TVXQ’s 4th album MIROTIC (Track 11).
* Wrote the lyrics for the his rapping refrain in “Wrong Number”.
* Acting as the leading role in the teledrama “Heaven’s Postman”.
* Composed (Do Not Cry My Lover)”
İsim : Kim Jaejoong (김재중)
Sahne İsmi : Hero
Doğum Günü : 26 Ocak 1986
Boy : 1,80 cm
Kilo : 63kg
Kan Grubu : O
Dğum Ailesi : Anne, Baba, Küçük Kız Kardeş
Evlatlık Ailesi : Anne, Baba, 8 Kız Kardeş
Hobileri : Yemek yapmak & Ağırlık kaldırmak
Öğrenimi : Liseden mezun oldu ama üniversite hakkında bilgi yok.
Vokal Pozisyonu : Lead
Yakın Arkadaşları : Kim Hyun Joong (SS501)
Sahne İsmi : Hero
Doğum Günü : 26 Ocak 1986
Boy : 1,80 cm
Kilo : 63kg
Kan Grubu : O
Dğum Ailesi : Anne, Baba, Küçük Kız Kardeş
Evlatlık Ailesi : Anne, Baba, 8 Kız Kardeş
Hobileri : Yemek yapmak & Ağırlık kaldırmak
Öğrenimi : Liseden mezun oldu ama üniversite hakkında bilgi yok.
Vokal Pozisyonu : Lead
Yakın Arkadaşları : Kim Hyun Joong (SS501)
- A Millionaire’s First Love (Bir Milyonerin ilk Aşkı) film müziği “Greeting” (인사) yazdı.
- “Kissしたまま、さよなら (Kiss Shite Mama Sayonara)” şarkısını besteledi Yuchun ile.
- “TRICK” serisinin Beşinci ve son kısmı olan“Keyword / Maze” singleında “MAZE” Japonca solosunu seslendirdi.
- Lee Yong tarafından 1980′de tekrar düzenlenerek hit olan şarkı “잊혀진계절 (Forgotten Season)” TVXQ ‘nun 4. Albümü MIROTIC ‘te Korece olarak solo söyledi (Track 11).
- “Wrong Number” rap nakaratının sözlerini yazdı.
- Teledrama “Heaven’s Postman” da önemli baş rolde oynadı.
- “사랑아 울지마 (Do Not Cry My Lover)” besteledi.
Name: Park Yoochun (박유천)
Stage Name: Micky
Birthday: June 4th, 1986
Height: 180cm
Weight: 64kg
Blood Type: O
Family: Mom, Dad, & Younger Brother
Hobbies: Composing & Piano
Education: Kyunghee University
Vocal Position: Mid-Low
Close Friends: Kim Hyun Joong (SS501)
* Wrote “Space” 공간 (하늘과 바다사이, Whisper Of..), a narration for the third Korean single “Hi Ya Ya 여름날”.
* Composed his solo “Fox Rain” (여우비).
* Wrote the lyrics for “Holding Back The Tears” (Korean title : “그리고…” (And…)) which was featured on the Vacation OST original soundtrack.[citation needed]
* Wrote the lyrics of and composed the Japanese solo song “My Girlfriend”, which was featured in the “Runaway / My Girlfriend” single, the second installment of the group’s “TRICK” series.
* Appeared in Magolpi’s debut music video “Flight Girl” (비행소녀)
* Was featured singer in DJ Makai’s song, “Tokyo Lovelight”
* Composed “Kissしたまま、さよなら” with Jaejoong
* Composed “Evergreen” for Winter Album 2007 of SM Town.
* Composed Kiss The Baby Sky, the theme song for “Zoom In”, a Japanese program
* Composed “사랑 안녕 사랑 (Love Bye Love)”
İsim : Park Yoochun (박유천)
Sahne İsmi : Micky
Doğum Günü : 4 Haziran 1986
Boy : 1,80 cm
Kilo : 64kg
Kan Grubu : O
Ailesi : Anne, Baba, Küçük Erkek Kardeş
Hobileri : Şarkı sözü yazmak & Piyano çalmak
Öğrenimi : Kyunghee University
Vokal Pozisyonu : Mid-Low
Yakın Arkadaşları : Kim Hyun Joong (SS501)
Sahne İsmi : Micky
Doğum Günü : 4 Haziran 1986
Boy : 1,80 cm
Kilo : 64kg
Kan Grubu : O
Ailesi : Anne, Baba, Küçük Erkek Kardeş
Hobileri : Şarkı sözü yazmak & Piyano çalmak
Öğrenimi : Kyunghee University
Vokal Pozisyonu : Mid-Low
Yakın Arkadaşları : Kim Hyun Joong (SS501)
- Üçüncü Korece Single “Hi Ya Ya 여름날” “Space” 공간 (하늘과 바다사이, Whisper Of..) yazdı.
- Kendi solosu “Fox Rain” (여우비) yazdı.
- (Korean title : “그리고…” Vacation OST ‘si “Holding Back The Tears” yazdı
- Japonca solo şarkısı “My Girlfriend” sözlerini yazdı ve düzenledi, “TRICK” serisinin İkinci kısmı olan “Runaway / My Girlfriend” singleında “My Girlfriend” Japonca solosunu seslendirdi.
- Magolpi’nin ilk müzik videosu “Flight Girl” (비행소녀) oynadı.
- DJ Makai’nin şarkısı “Tokyo Lovelight” seslendirdi.
- “Kissしたまま、さよなら (Kiss Shita MAma Sayonara)” şarkısını besteledi Jaejoong ile.
- SM Town 2007 Kış Albümünde “Evergreen” şarkısını besteledi.
- “Kiss The Baby Sky” besteledi, Japonca Program “Zoom In” ana parçası oldu.
- “사랑 안녕 사랑 (Love Bye Love)” besteledi.
Name: Kim Junsu (김준수)
Stage Name: Xiah
Birthday: December 15th, 1986
Height: 178cm
Weight: 60kg
Blood Type: B
Family: Mom, Dad, & Twin Brother
Hobbies: Soccer & Gaming
Education: Myongji University
Vocal Position: Mid-High
Close Friends: Junho (Twin) & Eunhyuk (Super Junior)
* Has a solo “Beautiful Thing” featured on the Vacation original soundtrack.
* Composed “White Lies”
* Composed and sang “My Page”, which was performed in the 2nd Live Asia Tour Concert – ‘O’.
* Performed and toured around Korea as member of the promotional group Anyband with BoA, Tablo of Epik High, and Jin Bora. The project band was formed by Samsung’s Anycall, and had several singles: “TPL (Talk, Play, Love),” “Promise U”, “Daydream”.
* Had a duet with Zhang Liyin, “Timeless”, which was featured in Zhang’s first single, “Timeless”. He also sang the Chinese version of the song with Zhang, which was the last track of Zhang’s first Chinese album, I WILL. Xiah was also featured in the second part of the two-part “Timeless” music videos.
* Composed the Japanese solo “Rainy Night”, which was featured in the “If…!? / Rainy Night” single, the third installment of the group’s “TRICK” series.
* Wrote the lyrics for the song “노을..바라보다 (Picture of You)” from the fourth Korean album, ‘MIROTIC’.
İsim : Kim Junsu (김준수)
Sahne İsmi : Xiah
Doğum Günü : 15 Aralık 1986 (Nüfusta 1 Ocak 1987)
Boy : 1,78 cm
Kilo : 60 kg
Kan Grubu : B
Ailesi : Anne, Baba, İkiz kardeşi
Hobileri : Futbol & Oyun oynamak
Öğrenimi : Myongji University
Vokal Pozisyonu : Mid-High
Yakın Arkadaşları : Junho (Twin) & Eunhyuk (Super Junior)
Sahne İsmi : Xiah
Doğum Günü : 15 Aralık 1986 (Nüfusta 1 Ocak 1987)
Boy : 1,78 cm
Kilo : 60 kg
Kan Grubu : B
Ailesi : Anne, Baba, İkiz kardeşi
Hobileri : Futbol & Oyun oynamak
Öğrenimi : Myongji University
Vokal Pozisyonu : Mid-High
Yakın Arkadaşları : Junho (Twin) & Eunhyuk (Super Junior)
- “Beautiful Thing” Vacation OST seslendirdi.
- “White Lies” Besteledi
- “My Page” besteledi ve 2nd Live Asia Tour Concert – ‘O’ sahne performansı sergiledi.
- Korede performans sergilediler ve tur düzenlediler promosyon grubu Anyband with BoA, Tablo of Epik High, and Jin Bora. Bu proje grubu Samsung’s Anycall ve “TPL (Talk, Play, Love),” “Promise U”, “Daydream” seslendirdi.
- Zhang Liyin ‘in ilk single’ı “Timeless” düet yaptı. Zhang ‘ın ilk Çince albümü I WILL dahi söyledi. “Timeless” music videosununu ikinci kısmında oynadı.
- Japonca solo “Rainy Night” besteledi. “TRICK” serisinin Üçüncü kısmı olan “If…!? / Rainy Night” seslendirdi.
- Dördüncü Korece albüm ‘MIROTIC’ albümündeki “노을..바라보다 (Picture of You)” şarkısını yazdı.
Korean Albums:
[October 13, 2004] TRI-ANGLE
[September 12, 2005] RISING SUN
[September 29, 2006] “O”-正.反.合.
[September 26, 2008] MIROTIC
Compilation Album:
[December 7,2004] Christmas Gift from 동방신기
Japanese Album
[March 22, 2006] Heart, Mind and Soul
[March 14, 2007] Five in the Black
[January 22, 2008] T
Korean Singles:
[January 14, 2004] HUG
[June 24,2004] The Way U Are
[June 23,2005] Hi Ya Ya 여름날
[December 15, 2005] Show Me Your Love (Collaboration with Super Junior)
[June 01, 2006] Fighting Spirit Of Dong Bang (Fighting Spirit Of the East)
Digital Single:
[October 19, 2007] 여행기
Japanese Singles:
1) [April 27, 2005] Stay With Me Tonight
2) [July 13, 2005] Somebody To Love
3) [November 2,2005] My Destiny
4) [March 8,2006] 明日は来るから (Because Tomorrow Comes)
5) [April 19, 2006] RISING SUN/ Heart, Mind and Soul
6) [June 21, 2006] Begin
7) [August 16,2006] Sky
8) [November 8, 2006] miss you / ”O”‐正・反・合
9) [January 24, 2007] Step by Step
10) [March 7, 2007] Choosey Lover
11) [June 13, 2007] Lovin’ You
12) [August 1, 2007] SUMMER DREAM / Song For You / Love in the Ice
13) [September 19, 2007] SHINE / Ride On
14) [November 14, 2007] Forever Love
15) [December 19, 2007] Together
16) [January 16, 2008] Purple Line (1st #1 Oricon)
(Each member released a single each week & each single includes their solo song that was sung at Premium Live, each letter spells out a word)
17) [February 6, 2008] Two Hearts / WILD SOUL (Changmin’s single)
18) [February 13, 2008] Runaway/My Girlfriend (Yoochun’s single)
19) [February 27, 2008] If…?!/Rainy Night (Junsu’s single)
20) [March 5, 2008] Close To You/Crazy Life (Yunho’s single)
21) [March 12, 2008] Keyword/Maze (Jaejoong’s single)
22) [April 23, 2008] Beautiful You/千年恋歌 (2nd #1 Orcion)
23) [July 16,2008] どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?(Why Did I Fallen In Love With You?) (3rd #1 Orcion)
24) [October 15, 2008] MIROTIC (4th #1 Orcion)
- [November 24, 2004]
HUG [International Version]
HUG [Chinese Version]
My Little Princess [Chinese Version]
The Way U Are [Chinese Version]
Miduhyo [Chinese Version]
- [January 20, 2005]
Tri-Angle [Chinese Version]
Rising Sun (순수) [Chinese Version]
Unforgettable [Chinese Version]
“O” -正.反.合 [Chinese Version]
[July 14, 2006] 1st Live Concert Album
[June 20, 2007] 2nd Asia Tour Concert ‘O’ Live Album
[October 24, 2007] TVXQ Non-Stop Mix Vol.1 (One continuous track)
Collaborations Albums:
[June 30, 2004] 2004 SUMMER VACATION in SMTOWN
Track 1: Hot Mail (With SM Town)
Track 2: Drive
Track 9: Through the Forest
[June 21, 2006] ’06 SUMMER SMTOWN
Track 1: Red Sun (With SM Town)
Track 2: Oasis
[December 13, 2006] 2006 WINTER SMTOWN – Snow Dream
Track 1: Snow Dream (With SM Town)
Track 2: When We’ll Be Together
[July 5, 2007] 2007 SUMMER SMTOWN – FRAGILE
Track 2: Let’s Go On A Trip (With SM Town)
Track 5: White Summer Christmas
[December 7, 2007] 2007 WINTER SMTOWN – ONLY LOVE
Track 1: ONLY LOVE (With SM Town)
Track 3: Evergreen
Bonus Track: Traveling
Collaboration Tracks:
[December 15, 2005] SHOW ME YOUR LOVE (With Super Junior)
[September 8, 2006] Timeless (Zhang Li Yin ft. Xiah Junsu)
[November 7, 2007] LAST ANGEL (Koda Kumi ft. Tohoshinki)
[November 8, 2007] ANYBAND (ft. BoA, Xiah Junsu, Tablo [Epik High], & Jin Bora)
[November 14, 1007] Just For One Day (Tenjochiki ft. Jaejoong) [September 24, 2008] Tokyo Lovelight (DJ Makai ft.Yoochun)
Featured Official Soundtracks (OST):
[March 1, 2006] A Millionaire’s First Love
Track 2: Insa (Jaejoong Ver.)
Track 20: Insa (DBSK Ver.)
[July 28, 2006] Vacation OST
Track 1: Holding Back the Tears
Track 2: Beautiful Thing (Xiah Junsu)
Track 3: Holding Back the Tears (Instrumental)
Track 4: Beautiful Thing (Harmonica Ver.)
[February 1, 2007] Goong S
Track 5: Remember
[February 28, 2007] The Blue Wolf – To the End Of the Earth and Sea Music Collection
Track 13: I’ll Be There
[March 7, 2007] Disneymania presents POP PARADE JAPAN
Track 4: A Whole New World
[May 23, 2007] Air City
Track 1: Harudal (Day’s Moon)
Track 2: All In Vain
[October 22, 2007] The Legend
Track 19: Thousand Years Love Song
Released DVDs:
[February 28, 2006] All About 東方神起 *Best Selling DVD in 2006
[January 18, 2007] 1st Live Concert “Rising Sun”
[October 15, 2007] All About 東方神起 2 *Best Selling DVD in 2007
[March 23, 2006] HISTORY in JAPAN Vol.1
[October 4, 2006] 1st Live Tour 2006 ~Heart, Mind and Soul~
[Match 28, 2007] HISTORY in JAPAN Vol.2
[July 11, 2007] Rhythm Nation 2006
[July 25, 2007] A-Nation ’07 Best Hit Selection
[September 26, 2007] 2nd Live Tour 2007 ~Five in the Black~
[November 7, 2007] A-Nation ’07 BEST HIT LIVE
[March 12, 2008] HISTORY in JAPAN Vol.3
[July 23, 2008] A-Nation ~Summer Freak~
[August 6, 2008] 3rd Live Tour ~T~
Official Photo Albums/Books:
[February 7, 2005] Travel Sketches in L.A (United States)
[June 30, 2005] Summer Paradise in Bora Bora
[December 9, 2006] The Prince in Prague
[November 22, 2007] Bonjour Paris *Limited Edition;
[July 21, 2008] A Week Holiday *United States
[March 25, 2006] 1st Artist Book ~Tomorrow: 000777~
[September 11, 2007] 2nd Artist Book ~Shine~
Official Story Books:
[March 30, 2004] 1st Story Book ~HUG~ [August 21, 2004] 2nd Story Book ~The Way U Are~
[November 20, 2004] 3rd Story Book ~TVFXQ! Special Photo Essay in L.A
[November 28, 2005] 4th Story Book ~Rising Sun: Five Secret Story~
[April 10, 2007] 2nd Asia Tour Concert “O” Documentary Book
* SBS Gayo Awards (March 28): Popular Song First Debut (Hug)
* Mnet KM Music Video Festival (December): Best Music Video Award for New Group (Hug)
* KBS Popular Music Award: Best New Artist
* MBC Top 10 Music Festival: Best New Artist
* Go News Netizen YunAae Daesang: Best Group Award
* Go News Netizen YunAae Daesang: Music Video Award
* Go News Netizen YunAae Daesang: CF Model Award
* Go News Netizen YunAae Daesang: Asia Star Award
* Mnet KM Music Video Festival: Best Music Video (Rising Sun)
* Mnet KM Music Video Festival: People’s Choice Award
* Mnet KM Music Video Festival: Artist of the Year
* Korean Chinese Custom Ceremony: China-Ten Most Popular Music Group
* Korean Chinese Custom Ceremony: China-Ten Most Popular Song
* Korean Chinese Custom Ceremony: China-Most Popular Advertisement Model
* Korean Chinese Custom Ceremony: China-Ideal Man Category
* Channel[V] Thailand Music Video Awards: Best Music Video (Rising Sun)
* Channel[V] Thailand Music Video Awards: Best Asian Artist
* Virgin Hitz Awards (October 28): Popular Vote Asia Artist
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 25): Best Group
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 25): Artist of the Year
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 25):
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 25): Mnet Plus Mobile People’s Choice Award
* MTV 16th Music Seoul Festival (December 1): Daesang
* MTV 16th Music Seoul Festival (December 1): Bonsang
* MTV 16th Music Seoul Festival (December 1): Mobile Popular Vote
* 21st Golden Disk Awards (December 14): Daesang
* 21st Golden Disk Awards (December 14): Bonsang
* SBS Gayo Awards (December 29): Daesang
* SBS Gayo Awards (December 29): Bonsang
* SEED Awards, Thailand (January 31): Best Asian Singer Award
* MTV Video Music Awards Japan (May 26): Best Buzz Asia in Korea
* 14th Annual Korea Entertainment Masterpiece Award Ceremony (October 6): International Popularity Award
* Best Hits 2007 Japan (November 26): Gold Artist Award
* MTV Video Music Awards Japan: Best Collaboration Video Award (LAST ANGEL by Koda Kumi feat. TVXQ)
* Asia Song Festival 2008 (October 4): Asia’s Top Singer Award
* 15th Korea Entertainment Awards (November 13) : Most Popular Artist Award
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 15): Daesang: Album Of The Year (The 4th Album “MIROTIC”)
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 15): Auction Best Style Award
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 15): Mobile Popularity Award
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 15): Auction Netizen’s Choice Award
* Mnet KM Music Festival (November 15): Overseas Viewer Award
* “TRICK” serisinin dördüncü kısmı olan “Close to you / Crazy Life” singleında “Crazy Life” Japonca solosunu seslendirdi. “TRICK” grubun ilk kısımlı albümü.